M.E. mid-Winter Blues

To anyone out there who wonders where Mother Earth has been…truth is I got swallowed by a big hole. Winter here in the north can be a bit different. It started with my hair falling out, one thin stand at a time. I figured it was stress. Feeling I the need to get out…meet people…I took a cross country ski lesson. I was not very good at it. I fell backward & dislocated my radius. Oddly enough I did meet people-nice ones. My scheduled yoga class occurred the night after I did this. I figured teaching with a dislocated bone, would really drive home the fact that one does not need to be perfect to do yoga. Only two people showed…the right two people. These towns are so connected & so small, everyone knows everything about everyone. Getting approval from the right two meant that my classes would be accepted. It meant I could release my breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding. I’m beginning to feel like myself again…I’m beginning to feel home here.

Mother Earth

neuroma healing

Finishing this house…I became chief “step & fetch it” person. Toting heavy things up & down uneven ground. I did not listen to my body…& my feet were talking the loudest. In short, I gave my right foot a neuroma. My first response was to “baby” it, but when I did it became worse.

It was then I realized that only conscious movement would make this better. So I began my yoga again…movement helped.

Then, I realized my mind was not helping things. Focusing on pain-only makes pain stronger in one’s mind.   This weakens the body.

 Focus on healing…well heals.

A simple breath exercise…imagining taking the breath in through the toes-up to the knees & back down…has helped tremendously.

Kind of like out with the bad air in with the good….

Really quite silly…..but effective.

Mother Earth


You see the hut & yet you still ask, “Where do I go for shelter?”

I quit teaching yoga six months ago, doing work to finish our house, that is now for sale. Almost 6 months to the day, I began noticing that all of my toes hurt in the joints. Hum-arthritis…funny for the past 15 years I’ve never had any pain….

Well….I decided to begin practicing yoga every day. At first I tried to do it as serious as my class always was….this did not work for me. I always made excuses.

After a few weeks of unsuccessful attempts, I began to do the asanas while I killed time in front of the TV. This has helped me immensely. Gone is the seriousness that I thought yoga demanded. I’ve found that I tend to do extended holds during the commercials. Today it was plank. When one analyzes plank-it’s all about strengthening core muscles, upper arm strength, & certainly bending the toes. I really don’t consciously choose which position to hold, rather I allow my body to flow into a position.

I find I do all of the asanas every day, plus extended poses held two to three times a day. Pain is subsiding, I’m much more active & more conscious of what I put into my mouth.

Reinstating yoga in my life has helped with stress; selling our house, & depression; selling our home.

Mother Earth

A reminder to myself…..

Is yoga mystical????

Once this thought provoking question was thrown at me…….typically at the time I could not answer intelligently.  After some quiet thought-this was my response…

“Your father always asks such thought provoking questions….I’m always caught off guard. He asked if I thought yoga is mystical….I really think not. To me it is connecting with the natural order of things.

It is all about aligning my energy with nature’s energy. Breath is the tool that is used. When I’m caught off guard my responses almost never come at that moment…because my thoughts are spastic…racing though every possible answer along with….Do I know enough to talk about this?   What will everyone think…hum…can I answer like a sage….oh my mind is split in a hundred ways a once. Of course whatever comes out of my mouth is a mess. A perfect example of “Why quiet the mind”. I applaud him for asking…it makes me think about how to put what I feel into words. I feel I may disappoint him though.

In the end it’s all about energy and how we flow with it or push against it-use it to hurt ourselves more or heal with it.”


Mother Earth